The Corkscrew Blog

Opening up the latest Idaho wine topics, events, and news

Displaying 37 - 45 of 74 Articles
Going for the gold

This year, one of the most highly anticipated competitions of 2021 took place. After much planning and preparation, many worried that COVID would put a stop to the festivities before they even began....

Idaho winemakers hope 2021’s intense heat leads to intense flavors

Idaho saw its summer temperatures rise sharply in June and continue through the months of July and August with temps regularly over 90 degrees— often climbing to triple digits. Climate research has...

Ready, set, BINGO!

Have you recently drank wine or cider on a patio? How about gone on a wine tour? Or maybe even chatted up a local winemaker or winegrower? Well, guess what… any one of these activities could make you...

The ABCs of the IWC

So, you get our emails, read our blogs, and love Idaho wine. But how much do you know about us and the work we do? And more importantly, how can YOU help us help grow the popularity of Idaho wines?

We wrote the book on starting a winery in Idaho

So, you have an idea. You like wine. Maybe you even have a background in science or chemistry. Or maybe you’ve fermented a batch or two and just have a knack for it. Now you’re thinking about going...

May we see your passport? Now boarding for Idaho Wine & Cider Month

Okay, let’s get the bad news out of the way first: this year, there’s no Savor Idaho, the crown jewel of Idaho Wine and Cider Month. But here’s the good news… You can still have fun discovering Idaho...

Bottle of red. Bottle of Bleu. The story of Rolling Hills Vineyard.

When Mark and Lori Pasculli met, they were just a couple of kids from the country working in a restaurant in California’s central valley. Little did they know, some three decades later, they would...

New winery bottles and logos
New winery round up for the new normal

Life has changed in so many ways over the past year. But not all change is bad, as this half-dozen of new wineries and tasting rooms in Idaho are here to prove. And with vaccines and temperatures on...

Holesinsky Vineyard & Winery: Of Chardonnay and hand sanitizer

You probably wouldn’t imagine going to a winery to pick up hand sanitizer. But if you lived anywhere near Buhl, Idaho in the past year, you just might have done so. For James Holesinsky, owner and...